Welcome to the working world of tomorrow

Office LAB operates coworking spaces at the Baslerpark and offers start-ups, freelancers, creative minds and SMEs more than just workspaces. The premises themselves and the state-of-the-art infrastructure create the ideal platform to advance your business and benefit from a dynamic community along the way. Coworking also means networking – our workspaces offer you an atmosphere conducive to expanding your professional and personal networks. Office LAB offers you a platform which you can use to expand your business – from just CHF 450 per month!


Mili Meier

«Als Grafik-Freelancerin habe ich im Office LAB meinen idealen Wirkungsraum. Ich kann ungestört arbeiten, die ausgebaute Infrastruktur nutzen und mich mit meinen Arbeitsnachbarn austauschen, zum Beispiel um erste Meinungen über meine Ideen einzuholen.»



«Für unser Werbe- und Designteam haben wir im Office LAB alles, was wir brauchen: die WLAN-Vernetzung sowieso, aber auch die übrige Infrastruktur bis hin zum 3D-Drucker. Und da wir oft bis in die Nacht hinein arbeiten, schätzen wir natürlich auch die Küche und die Erholungszonen sehr!»


Tim Kuster

«Was ich im Office LAB so schätze, sind die physischen und mentalen Freiräume um die Arbeitsplätze. Da kann ich mich als «Startupper» im IT-Bereich mit Kollegen einfach mal irgendwo hinsetzen, eine Idee skizzieren und diskutieren. Das bringt mir echt viel.»

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For how long? For how many?

Office LAB offers you the choice between three rental packages, which vary according to the desired lease duration and number of workspaces. Click on the icons to view the details and terms and conditions. However, we’ll be happy to put an individual package together for you. Just ask us.

LAB Packages
Access to Space
Meeting rooms
P.O. Box
Assigned desk
Private locker
E-car sharing
LAB Member
Inquire now
LAB Daily Pass
8 am -12 pm, 1 pm - 5 pm
+CHF 8/hour
Day Pass (n/a)
Inquire now
LAB Unlimited
+CHF 150/month
+CHF 20/month
+CHF 8/hour
LAB unl. Inkl.
Inquire now

What really counts

With Office LAB, you have a flexible workspace for as long as you need it, with state-of-the-art infrastructure. This means maximum benefits at an affordable price.

Office LAB is a source of inspiration and new ideas. Because coworking encourages you to network, and promotes the productive exchange of ideas.

The relaxed, social atmosphere at Office LAB gives you the energy to work. You are part of a diversely active, dynamic community.

Your space to create new ideas


Have we sparked your interest? Then why not just fill in the form immediately and return it to us. We’ll get in touch as soon as possible, and will be happy to arrange a meeting to discuss all your questions.


Office LAB AG